Annie Dillard, Dark Skies, 10 x 13, Gouache on Foamcore
After an outstanding career in literature, Pulitzer Prize recipient Annie Dillard has focused her creative talents on the visual arts. Largely self-taught, Dillard generally works in oil and gouache and always on a small scale, her canvases rarely more than 16 inches to a side. Her landscapes reveal an ebullience, and a sure sense of color and line. Dillard is known for her keen observations of nature, and many of her works are dedicated to the land and sea that surround her at her seasonal abodes. Her homes in Key West, Cape Cod and Virginia, as well as places she visits, are subjects of her artistry. According to Ann Landi, “Dillard’s voice, here, as in her writing, is very much her own: assured, perceptive and sometimes dazzling.”